Conference Catering | Discover the qnips ordering system for meetings!

Ordering and providing snacks and drinks for meetings and conferences can be a stressful task. But with the right tool, it can be a quick and easy process that ensures meetings and conferences are a complete success. Find out how qnips conference ordering can help you organise your conference catering and make all the preparations via the intuitive qnips dashboard. How does it work? See for yourself:

Conference catering with a wide selection of food and drinks!

What your employees see:

Your sales manager wants to have an all-day meeting with colleagues next week to review the last quarter. The coworking space in the building has already been reserved. Now the team leader wants to take care of the snacks for his team and navigates in the catering portal to the menu that has been set up especially for meetings and con-ferences. He orders some snacks and a selection of drinks for everyone.

What your kitchen staff sees:

As the kitchen manager, you have created a special menu for meetings and conferences with just a few clicks. Here you have provided a selection of snacks, main courses, desserts and drinks that can be pre-ordered for meetings. You also have full control of the stock management.

Central dashboard for efficient attendee management & seamless room allocation:

What your employees see:

When ordering, the team lead can designate the coworking space as a meeting room and specify how many people will attend and how long the event is expected to last.

What your kitchen staff sees:

The qnips dashboard gives you an overview of all attendees and allows you to add notes about any incompatibilities. You can also manage all available rooms and store additional information such as capacity.

Smooth running of the event thanks to streamlined event tracking:

What your employees see:

The team lead can also specify that food is not delivered until around 11am, when the first short break takes place. This way, the daily schedule of the event is not interrupted.

What your kitchen staff sees:

The qnips dashboard provides you with a calen-dar to keep track of all current and planned events.

Transparent cost overview, including ancillary and delivery costs, as well as cost centre billing:

What your employees see:

The shopping basket gives the team lead a detailed overview of all costs, including delivery and ancillary costs, allowing them to adhere to the internally approved budget per person.

Finally, the sales manager selects the option to receive a hospitality voucher and specifies the cost centre to facilitate later accounting by the accounting department.

What your kitchen staff sees:

With qnip conference ordering, you can easily include the cost of delivery and any ancillary costs such as crockery or cleaning services in the order. This allows you to provide your employees with a transparent cost overview.

The order reporting in the qnips dashboard provides a detailed listing of all accounting-relevant data, including details of the cost centres used, information about the event and the products ordered, and much more.

qnips Conference Catering is a brand new feature that will help you make your events a success and impress your guests with first class conference catering. For more information, visit our website or email us with your questions!

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